Communist Agenda

Patriotism, Family, Faith! Make Florida Great Again. Let’s fight against the Communists infiltrated in our government.

“America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: Its Patriotism [so destroy its national pride], its Morality [so destroy the natural family], and its Spiritual Life [so attack America’s faith in God]. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within” Joseph Stalin.
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Protect America’s faith in God, the natural family, and patriotic pride from its communist predators:
¡Patriotismo, familia, fe! Hagamos la Florida genial otra vez. Luchemos contra los comunistas infiltrados en nuestro gobierno.
“Estados Unidos es como un cuerpo sano y su resistencia es triple: su Patriotismo [destruye su orgullo nacional], su Moral [destruye a la familia natural] y su Vida espiritual [ataca la fe en Dios]. Si podemos socavar estas tres áreas, América colapsará desde adentro.” Joseph Stalin.
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Protejamos la fe de los Estados Unidos en Dios, la familia natural y el orgullo patriótico de los depredadores comunistas:
Help us stop legalized child trafficking: DCF ReformCourt Reform.



Taking Our Families Back