Dr. Mario Jimenez Florida Senate Candidate Dist 40

Dr. Mario Jimenez Florida Senate candidate district 40 (Click here to find out why I am running for office)

Dr. Mario Jimenez Florida Senate Candidate Dist 40
Dr. Mario Jimenez Florida Senate Candidate Dist 40

DCF CPS Children Deaths in Dependency Family Court

 Our Mission Statement:

Bill of Rights  in Our U.S. Constitution

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  1. Freedom of Religion, Speech,  Press, Assemble and Redress of Grievances – Restoring Our First Amendment –

    Our inalienable rights to freedom of religion and growing censorship require vigorous protection.  >>Read More Here <<

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2. Right to Bear Arms – Protecting Our Second Amendment –

History shows all the major tyrants such as Hitler, Stalin, and others preceded their murderous reigns with a confiscation of weapons, leaving the people defenseless.  Weapon bans are certain to increase violence and tyranny, not lessen it.

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3. Restoring Our Privacy – Reviving Our Fourth Amendment –

Privacy is eroded daily by government eavesdropping.  The contrived arguments for protection against terrorism have backfired.  Patriots who now simply protest against government policies are misclassified as “terrorists,” wherein they lose all inalienable constitutional protections.

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4. Due Process, Life, Liberty, Property Protection, Debtors’ PrisonFifth Amendment –

Courts of “equity,” such as family court, routinely violate constitutional protections, such as those against illegal search and seizure and bans against debtors’ prison to collect Title IV monies, which fund child trafficking in family court.

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5. Protection Against Hearsay – Sixth Amendment –

Unaccountable officers of the court routinely use hearsay, inadmissible in courts that operate under the rule of law, if any are left that do, to obtain unconstitutional criminal and civil convictions.  The practice of using hearsay opens the door wide for further corruption, such as manufacturing evidence.

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6. Common Law Suits Trial by Jury – Seventh Amendment –

Jury trials are so rare that they are almost extinct.  Courts routinely refuse to grant requested jury trials.  In many states, the system has abrogated this constitutional right in small claims and divorce cases, for example.

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7.Excess Bail, Debtors’ Prison in Family Courts – Eighth Amendment –

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8. Special Interest: High Powered Lobbyists Hijacking Our Government – Ninth Amendment –

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9.Federal Overreach – Tenth Amendment –

Bureaucratic overreach, unconstitutional seizure of private property perpetrated in Oregon against We the People is happening here in Florida, unreported by the media.

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10. Voter Fraud and Unconstitutional Elections  – Twelfth Amendment –

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11. Conflict of Interest Bar Association Controlling All Branches of the Government, and Undemocratic Practices –  Original Thirteenth Amendment –

Our original Thirteenth Amendment forbids members of the bar to hold office.  “The accumulation of all powers…in the same hands [that of lawyers] may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny” – James Madison,  Federalist Paper 47.  This conflict of interest is at the heart of many of the problems in our government today and goes against the Constitution.  As a matter of fact, the Florida Constitution in Article 2, Section 3 clearly states that anyone (in this case lawyers) working for the judicial branch are prohibited from working in other branches of government: The powers of the state government shall be divided into legislative, executive, and judicial branches. No person belonging to one branch shall exercise any powers appertaining to either of the other branches unless expressly provided herein [and there are not any provisions for this].

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12.  Family Restoration Parents to Children – Fourteenth Amendment –

Unknown to many Americans, our government has declared war on our families.

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13. Property and Finance:  Restoring Our Property Protection

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Our government usurps inalienable parental rights and responsibilities, involving itself in educational tasks assigned to parents:

  • Common Core
  • Civics Class Restoration
  • The Three R’s
  • Higher Education

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    15. Immigration

We must protect our borders while vetting those who enter, so as not to endanger We the People.  Dr. Mario addresses the Hispanic community.

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Dr. Mario Jimenez Florida Senate Candidate Dist 40
Dr. Mario Jimenez Florida Senate Candidate Dist 40

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Dr. Mario Jimenez Florida Senate Candidate Dist 40


Taking Our Families Back